Download this Case Study: Introduction: The rise in total generation capacity of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar is resulting in traditional “base load” coal generation plants being more frequently used to follow fluctuating
Plant Cycling
Upgrade the capacity of your BWCP thrust bearing
We understand that your plant is likely operating with quicker start-ups and shutdowns, and more frequent load changes than it was originally designed. These operating modes can cause pre-mature bearing wear or, in some cases, catastrophic failure
Thermal Stress and Fatigue Life Assessment Validates Flexible Plant Operation
Download this Case Study: Hayward Tyler analyzed the effects of various power plant operating scenarios on a Boiler Circulating Pump (BCP) Boiler Circulation Pumps are used in forced circulation boilers to circulate the water around the
Power Plant Cycling: Its effect on NPSHa and the damage it causes to Boiler Water Circulation Pump (BWCP) thrust bearings
Download this Case Study: Introduction: The rise in total generation capacity of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar is resulting in traditional “base load” fossil generation plants being more frequently asked to follow