We can design to the most exacting standards, including ASME, PED, TUV, IBR and Norsok.
Listed below are our policies that we work to throughout our business.
- Maintain a culture in which people are at the forefront of what we do.
- Conduct business in an ethical and professional way, with a commitment to the highest standard of integrity and business conduct.
- Ensure, by commitment to good design and quality-controlled manufacturing, the health and safety of all our stakeholders, including those who produce, install, operate, and service our products.
- Identify and develop products and services which exceed our customers’ expectations.
- Minimize the environmental impact of our operations and products throughout their life spans.
- Continuously seek to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of all our processes, ensuring the ongoing sustainability of our business management system.
- Establish a framework for the definition, monitoring, and review of objectives, which shall be communicated and understood by all.
- Maintain our ongoing commitment to our people and our customers.
Our Quality Program is based on:
- ASME Section III
- NCA -3800 and 4000
- 10CFR50 Appendix B
- ANSI N45.2
- CAN 3-Z299
- MIL-I-45208A
We additionally implement orders that require compliance with the applicable requirements of 10CFR21, 10CFR 71 and 72.
We maintain a diverse library of numerous editions and addenda of ASME Code Sections II, III (Divisions 1 and 3), IX and V; ASTM, AWS, and ANSI standards; and piping codes from the draft code to the current requirements.
Hayward Tyler has the experience to understand and execute the requirements of these codes and standards. In addition, we contribute to ASME Code development through membership and committee participation.

NDE, Inspection, and Test Methodologies
Precision measurement tools, Zeiss CMM, FARO Arm with HD Laser Scanning, profilometers, ultrasound thickness testers, and various other inspection tools and equipment.
- Visual Testing (VT)
- Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT)
- Magnetic Particle Testing (MT)
- Ultrasonic Testing (UT)
3D Inspection and Modeling
- Faro Arm/ High Definition LASER Scanning
- Reverse Engineering capabilities (Solid Works and Polyworks Modeler)
- Quality Control functions using comparisons of scan to 3D design models (Solid Works and Polyworks Inspector)
- Ex. Hydraulic Geometry Verification of Pump Impellers
- Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) Inspection:
- CMM Probe Inspection to 3D design models
- Comparison plots
- Ex. Precision bearing inspection

Testing Capabilities
- Hydrostatic testing
- Pneumatic testing
- Balancing of rotating equipment
- Vibration testing
- Helium leak testing
- Electrical testing
- Pump and motor performance testing