Operators are increasingly turning to sealless pumps solutions for their critical applications. Canned Motor Pumps (Sealless Pump) offer distinct advantages over mechanically sealed pumps making them the preferred choice for many industries. Here is why:

No Mechanical Seals
Faulty seals can leak, causing process shutdown upon failure. Sealless canned motor pumps eliminate this Issue.
Reduced Noise Levels
Noise sources are greatly reduced with canned motor pumps due to internal fluid dampening while not requiring cooling fans.
Low Maintenance
No motor and pedestal bearing lubrication levels to be continually monitored and maintained.
Single Motor & Pump Combination
There is no need for hot and cold alignment, and no special foundation is required due to the reduced weight of canned motor pumps.
Eliminates Emmisions Inspection & Reporting
Since canned motor pumps cannot leak, costly and time-consuming government and company emission monitoring and recordkeeping reporting are not required.
Categories: Product Knowledge