Design Features of Hayward Tyler High-Temperature Pumps
Our high-temperature pumps are custom designed to match the requirements of cutting-edge technology using high-temperature fluids. Our pumps are engineered for the highest level of safety and consider the unique characteristics of each application in the design. This includes thermal stress, thermal growth, and pump sealing options. We understand these challenges and have design solutions to solve these complex problems.
Some key features of these designs include:
- Design temperature of 750C+ (1380F)
- Pump hydraulic design accounts for fluid corrosion rates
- Optimized for proper thermal management
- Validated thermal stress designs considering dissimilar materials and thermal growth rates
- Materials of construction include stainless steels and state of the art high nickel alloys, such as Inconel 625 and Hastelloy grades
- Design and build in accordance with ASME Section III, Div. 5 or ASME Section VIII, as needed
Codes & Specifications
- ASME Section III, Div. 5
- ASME Section VIII Div 1
- Performance test to Hydraulic Institute (HI) standards
- Other standards as required
Hydraulic Range
Custom hydraulics available
Hayward Tyler High-Temperature Pumps are ideal for applications such as:
- Advanced Nuclear using Molten Salt or Liquid Sodium loops
- Concentrated Solar Power- Primary Coolant Salt Pumps
- High temperature metal
Download our brochure to read more about all Hayward Tyler High-Temperature Pumps:
Download our advanced nuclear: engineering services sheet to see how we can help support your system development:
Our team is ready to discuss your project.
Let’s talk about your performance-critical application.
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Service & Support
We take great pride in supporting our clients across the globe with timely service. We cover all aspects of support that might be needed during the lifecycle of your Hayward Tyler pump and/or motor.
We provide:
- 24/7/365 Technical Support
- Engineering
- Spare Parts
- Repairs
- Training