Download this White Paper: Is material quietly disappearing from your pump? The average age of the U.S. nuclear reactor fleet is 39 years old [1] and many plants are forecast to continue operating for years to come. Many nuclear pumps,
Nuclear Industry
Bearing Lube System Reconfiguration for Safety Related Essential Service Water Pumps
Download this Case Study: Solenoid valve problems needed identification and fixing. Throughout the nuclear power industry, equipment suppliers are exiting the nuclear marketplace. Utilities and component manufacturers are turning to
Canned Motor Pump Retrofit for Reactor Water Cleanup Pumps
Download this White Paper: A nuclear plant was having mechanical seal failures too often. In boiling water reactors (BWRs), there are reactor water cleanup (RWCU) systems that are designed to maintain a reactor’s water quality by filtration
Advantages of using a Canned Motor Pump (Sealless Pumps)
Canned motor pumps (a type of sealless pump) are widely considered the safest and most reliable pumping solution. The biggest benefit of a Canned Motor Pump is that there is no mechanical seal that leaks to the atmosphere. Instead of using a
Wind-Milling and Thrust Bearing Performance Analysis for Multi-Pump Nuclear Test Loop
Download this Whitepaper: National Lab Extends Contract with Hayward Tyler for Equipment Supply and Engineering Services Hayward Tyler, Inc. (HTI) designed, manufactured and supplied canned motor type primary coolant pumps for nuclear
Advanced Scanning and Computational Fluid Dynamic Analysis on Safety Related Impeller
Download this Case Study: Utilizing advanced scanning and computer analysis to validate the performance of impellers from a repaired pattern Hayward Tyler supplied a replacement impeller for use in a Nuclear Safety Related Component Cooling