Safety at Hayward Tyler is a top company value. Everything we say or do, including the implementation of high-level safety practices, drives continuous improvement to maintain a safe working environment for all our employees.
Hayward Tyler Luton is committed to providing a working environment that ensures the health, safety, and welfare of our employees, contractors, and visitors. Our health and safety policies consider the nature of our operations as well as the occupational health and safety risks of our off-site services.
This important work is spearheaded by our leadership team, who take responsibility for its implementation and involvement by all employees.
We firmly believe that it is not about numbers, data, or paperwork, but about people—our greatest asset.
Our company values guide employees toward a culture where we treat the health, safety, and well-being of each other with great importance, as we want our entire workforce to return home to their families each day, safe and well.

Our Values Guide Our Work
We achieve health and safety for all of our employees through the following:
- Ensuring adequate control of health and safety risks, arising from all our work activities, using the hierarchy of controls.
- Ensuring preventative measures are in place to prevent injuries and hazards to the health of employees and others on-site and when conducting off-site work.
- Provide and maintain systems that are safe without risk to health.
- Implement safe practices and procedures in connection with the handling and use of hazardous substances.
- Ensuring all employees are competent to carry out their duties and provide new and existing employees with appropriate information, instruction, training, and supervision.
- Providing suitable arrangements to enable all employees to raise issues of health and safety.
- Consulting with our employees on matters affecting their health, safety, and well-being.
- Carrying out regular safety inspections and audits to set high-level safety standards.
- Providing competent persons where appropriate to assist in the safety process.
- Setting targets and objectives for health and safety to ensure continuous improvement.

Safe Workplace Practices
At Hayward Tyler, we focus on safe workplace best practices, ensuring that we operate within the standards set by the company, statutory health and safety regulations, industry standards, and emergency protocols. This enables us to provide and maintain a safe plant, equipment, and working environment.
Monitoring, Reviewing, and Communicating Health & Safety
We continually monitor, review, and communicate health and safety on-site. This includes investigating any near-miss incidents or accidents to establish any trends and root causes and to ensure robust preventative measures are put in place to reduce the risk of recurrence. We have set key performance indicators (KPIs) that keep us accountable and drive best practices and continuous improvement. Health and safety statistics are regularly communicated and displayed in various key locations around the site and emailed to all employees.
Safety Training
Training is a key part of our safety policy, and we ensure employees have regular safety training in key areas and topics. All new recruits are taken through an in-depth Health and Safety induction and are required to undertake specific training relating to the health and safety requirements within their role.
We have trained First Aiders on site, including a number of trained Mental Health First Aiders, Fire Wardens, and employees training in the use of automatic external defibrillators (AED) which are located around the site. Ongoing training is provided to these groups to ensure they carry out these roles effectively.

Our managers are coached in health and safety, with senior managers attending IOSH Managing Safely courses, dependent upon their role. All levels of the organisation are aware of their responsibilities and capable of carrying out any responsibilities related to health and safety.
We also regularly provide in-house training to all employees to refresh them on our expectations of a healthy and safe working environment.
Employee Wellbeing
The health and wellbeing of our staff is important to us. We realise the benefits of employee well-being and foster a supportive culture where employees are encouraged to be open about their mental health. We have a number of Mental Health First Aiders, and all line management and supervision receive training in recognising and supporting mental health issues in the workplace.
We offer an employee assistance program that can be used to access counselling and advice in all areas of their work and personal life.
We also have an intranet site with information on accessing mental health care, as well as advice on well-being and tools to help employees address any well-being issues they may have.
Our Occupational Health provider can also assist with specific issues and advise both managers and employees on wellbeing issues.
ISO 45001
All of Hayward Tyler Luton’s health and safety policies have contributed to the site’s achievement of ISO45001 certification. This standard will help us prevent work-related injury and ill-health and provide a safe and healthy workplace.
By having an effective occupational health and safety management system, we can protect and enhance our most important asset—our people—to drive business excellence. And it will contribute to the delivery of the following benefits for Hayward Tyler:
- Increase organisational resilience through proactive risk prevention, innovation, and continual improvement.
- Strengthen legal and regulatory compliance while reducing business losses.
- Demonstrates our responsibility by committing to safe, healthy, and sustainable work.

Director Jon Cripps, Health & Safety Manager Chris McDonald, and Quality Manager Mustafa Pasha proudly display our ISO45001 certificate.