A sealless pump is a conventional centrifugal pump with a feature that provides a reliable form of double-pressure containment: a close-coupled design that eliminates the need for a dynamic mechanical seal, which would typically be used to seal the
Do you offer service agreements?
Yes, we offer service agreements for the short and long term maintenance of your equipment.
What is the warranty on a Hayward Tyler pump or motor?
Our warranty covers 12 months from the start-up of equipment, or 18 months after shipment, whichever occurs first.
How do we know if a pump needs to be repaired or replaced?
Generally, a centrifugal pump installed in a power plant, manufacturing plant, or other critical industrial facility should undergo preventive maintenance every 6 to 8 years. During the maintenance process, service staff will inform you about any
What is a typical turnaround time for a pump or motor overhaul?
At Hayward Tyler, a typical repair time is 6-8 weeks. However, this turnaround time can be accelerated to handle emergency repairs, provided that the required materials are on hand.
How do we know if a pump needs to be repaired or replaced?
Generally, a centrifugal pump installed in a power plant, manufacturing plant, or other critical industrial facility should undergo preventive maintenance every 6 to 8 years. During the maintenance process, service staff will inform you about any
How long do wet wound stators typically last?
On average, depending on how often the motors are started and stopped in a year, the winding on a wet wound stator should last 10-12 years.
How often should we perform thrust inspections on a BWCP?
To establish a base line, you should perform thrust inspections on a Boiling Water Circulating Pump (BWCP) every two (2) years.
What is the BWCP fill rate?
The Hayward Tyler Boiling Water Circulating Pump (BWCP) fill rate is ½ gpm (Gallons Per Minute)
How do we know if the motor is rotating in the correct rotation?
The motor is designed to operate at full load amps. The differential pressure reading is as designed. On BWCPs, there should be no clacking sound coming from the motor case; this is the tilt pad bearing fluttering and possibly running in the wrong